What are Top Foods for Stronger Teeth and Healthier Gums? 

You might think that oral health is only related to your mouth, but this is not the correct notion. The health of your teeth and gums affects your overall health, and therefore, it is essential to do everything that can maintain your oral health just like you do for your overall health. We might have heard about various tips and tricks to keep our gums healthy, but in this article, we will study what are some food items that can keep your teeth and gums healthier. 

Diet plays a vital role in your teeth and gums’ health, and therefore, in this article, we will discuss some of the essential food products that can make your teeth stronger and gums healthier in Burlingame. You can also consult experienced dentists such as family dental care Burlingame to learn more about your diet habits and their relation to your teeth and gum health. 

What are Top Foods for Stronger Teeth and Healthier Gums? 

  • Fatty fish: There are fatty fish that contain high amounts of fatty acids, such as omega-3. These acids are essential for brain health and are potent ingredients in anti-inflammatories that support the immune system. So, this helps in generating any bacteria for gum disease.
  • Milk and dairy products: Dairy products contain anti-bacterial enzymes that coat the teeth and help reduce the formation of bacteria in the mouth. Therefore, sipping a glass of water or eating a cheese slice will be helpful for your teeth and also for your overall health
  • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are also an essential source of omega-3 fatty acids to tackle bacterial formations. So, you can take a few nuts and seeds and chew them carefully, as there are some nuts with rough edges. It can irritate your gums, so you must be careful when consuming such nuts and seeds. 
  • Probiotic-rich food: Probiotics are found in fermented food products such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir. So, you can use such food products to ensure that they help in controlling the populations of harmful bacteria living inside your mouth. These products will keep your gums healthy by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. 
  • Fruits and vegetables: You cannot deny the fact that fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients that support your immune system. They have anti-inflammatory properties and also contain vitamin C to protect your teeth and gums. You must add a variety of nutrients to your diet and include more and more fruits and vegetables.