Are Laboratory Created Diamonds Certified?

Some lab-created diamonds go through rigorous certification and evaluation just like natural diamonds, and they comply with the 4Cs – cut, clarity, color, and carat. After being shipped to a gem lab specializing in diamond grading, lab-created diamonds are independently evaluated by multiple lab gemologists. In the end, the individual grades are compiled and compared to give the lab diamond its final grade.

Can You Tell A Lab-Created Diamond From A Natural One?

Yes. The difference between laboratory created and natural diamonds can always be detected by a diamond expert with specialized technical equipment. When buying lab grown diamonds New Zealand, the quality is guaranteed by the presence of a very small inscription. As lab-created diamonds have the same brilliance and visual characteristics as natural diamonds, the presence of the inscription makes it easier to identify lab-created diamonds over 0.2 carats and confirms that the stones were created by the experts and that meet their high quality standards. This inscription cannot be seen with the naked eye but is visible with a 10x magnifying glass.

Are There Differences?

Unlike the price of natural diamonds, which is determined by the unique characteristics and rarity of the stone, lab-created diamonds can be priced uniformly per carat. Lab-created diamonds also offer the benefit of a significantly lower price than natural diamonds, as their production capacity is infinite. Man-made diamonds, which are also known as lab-created diamonds or synthetic diamonds, are created using highly advanced technological processes within strictly controlled laboratory facilities that mimic the environment in which natural diamonds are formed in the lower mantle. In recent years, awareness of ethical concerns regarding the humanitarian and ecological issues surrounding diamond mining, along with the high cost of natural diamonds mined, has led to an increase in the popularity of artificial diamonds.

What exactly is a man-made diamond?

A man-made diamond is essentially a diamond. These lab-created gems are unique in that they are actually pure carbon diamonds that display identical optical, physical, and chemical characteristics as natural diamonds. The only difference is that these diamonds are not grown by Mother Nature, but by “man”. If you buy your rhinestone from a legitimate source, then there is no difference between a natural diamond and a lab-grown artificial diamond other than “origin”. Many people mistakenly assume that man-made diamonds are not real diamonds and are “fake diamonds”, but in fact, in terms of structure, they are exactly the same as natural mined diamonds.

When were man-made diamonds created?

The first evidence of scientists creating synthetic diamonds dates back to the late 1800s to 1920s. However these early creations were analyzed but not confirmed. It was in the 1940s that American, Swedish, and Russian scientists began to formally cultivate lab-created diamonds using the HPHT and CVD processes. Around 1953 the first tiny crystals of synthetic diamonds were documented. The production of larger man-made diamonds for jewelry making and industrial purposes began in the mid-1990s.