Choosing The Right Grit Sandpaper For Wall Sanding: A Comprehensive Guide

Wall sanding is an essential step in achieving seamless walls before you start painting or wallpapering. It’s selecting the right grit sandpaper can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the sanding process. In this guide, you can learn everything about What grit sandpaper is used for wall sanding? (กระดาษทรายขัดสีผนัง เบอร์อะไร, which is also a term in Thai).

Everything You Need To Know About Grit Sandpaper

Grit is all about the abrasive particles embedded on the sandpaper’s surface. The size of the grid will determine the coarseness or the fineness of the sandpaper, which will impact the material removal rate and the smoothness of the sanded surface.

Different Types Of Grit Sandpaper For Wall Sanding

Coarse grits are some of the most commonly used grit sandpapers suitable for heavy material removal and widely used to smooth your rough surfaces and remove the paint joint compound or other imperfections from different walls.

Medium grit sandpapers are versatile and also perfect for more light material removal. They are generally used in the initial stages of the wall sanding to define your surface after coarse sanding.

Fine grit sandpapers are ideally used for final smoothing and preparing the surface of your wall to paint or even to put a wallpaper. They are perfect for achieving A polished finish.

Choosing The Perfect Grit Sandpaper

The choice of grit sandpaper will depend on the wall’s condition and the surface preparation level you need. It would be best to consider some factors when selecting the right grid sandpaper.

Wall Condition

If your wall has a significant imperfection like old paint or texture, then you can start with coarse sandpaper to remove the layers of the material well. But at the same time, if your wall has minor imperfections, then you can start with medium grit sandpaper to refine your surface and prepare for better sanding.

Sanding Progression

You can start with coarse-grit sandpaper to remove the material initially and then go to medium-grit sandpaper to refine the surface and achieve a smooth surface. Then you can finish with fine and very grit sandpaper for a polished and professional finish.

Desired Finish

If you desire a smooth finish, then you can go for fine-grit sandpaper to achieve the right results. But if your surface requires an exceptionally smooth finish, then you can go for wonderful grit sandpaper to achieve the right results.