Four Signs That You Need Teeth Whitening. 

Teeth whitening is a desirable procedure of lightening the color of the teeth when the teeth become yellow over time. The results are achieved by changing the extrinsic or intrinsic color of the tooth enamel. 

All individuals who opt for a teeth whitening procedure have reasons to opt for teeth whitening. However, the most common reason reported is that people want to brighten their smiles; this makes them feel more comfortable and confident. A general dentist in Phoenix, AZ performs the teeth whitening procedure with concentrated hydrogen peroxide gels. The whitening agent over the counter is less concentrated, and the results are not immediate. At the same time, whitening agents used by a dentist are much stronger and yield better and long-lasting results. 

There are several options available for you to lighten the color of your teeth and brighten your smile. But how do you know if you need a teeth whitening procedure for your teeth? 

Continue reading to understand the signs indicating you need a teeth whitening procedure!

  1. Yellow or discolored teeth:

Yellow teeth are the first sign of discoloration; the variation in your tooth color gets very noticeable and indicates that you need to consider teeth whitening. 

  1. Regular smoker:

Nicotine and tar present in cigarettes can adversely affect your overall oral health and affect your teeth’ color. If it is difficult for a person to quit smoking, teeth whitening procedures can help reduce the effect of nicotine and tar on the color of the teeth. 

  1. Drink wine and coffee regularly:

Drinking one glass of wine daily has several benefits for your overall health. Moreover, moderate amounts of coffee also help prevent heart diseases. However, coffee and wine are known to stain the teeth. If your teeth are getting yellow, you should consider quitting coffee and wine. Tea, cola, and fruit juices are also responsible for staining the teeth. 

  1. Discolored teeth due to genes:

At times your habits and lifestyle may not be responsible for the discoloration of your tooth; it could be because of a family trait. The color of eyes, hair, and teeth is inherited. You can use hair color to change your hair color and colored contact lenses for the eyes. You can also do the same for your teeth by opting for a teeth whitening procedure. If your family has a history of discolored teeth, then you can be proactive and start teeth whitening even before the discoloration begins. 

Maintaining good oral hygiene and lifestyle is not only important for the color of your teeth; it is also essential for keeping your overall health and wellbeing.