Services Offered by an Orthodontist in Morrisville

You all must be wondering how an orthodontist is different from a dentist. An orthodontist can transform your smile and can change your facial esthetics altogether. An orthodontist deals with the traditional braces and provides other services. This blog will discuss different types of Services provided by the Morrisville orthodontics specialist.

Treating Malocclusion

Let us see what malocclusion is! Whenever the teeth are irregularly arranged in the mouth, it is called malocclusion. Typical anomalies like overcrowded teeth, spaced teeth, deep bite, open bite come under the heading of malocclusion. All such malaligned teeth are aligned with the help of appliances, and different types of fixed and removable appliances are fabricated for the same.

Maintaining Spaces

When your kid loses his milk teeth early, spaces will be created in the mouth, and these spaces are occupied by the adjacent teeth, leaving no teeth for the newly erupted teeth. Your kid will need an orthodontist later in life in such a scenario. To avoid this, you must consult an orthodontist early in life and get space maintainers to prevent future visits.

Habit Breaking Appliances

If you think that an orthodontist is only concerned with teeth alignment, then you are wrong. Some kids develop a habit of thumb sucking, lip biting, mouth breathing and abnormal swallowing habits. Different appliances are fabricated depending upon the condition to break the habit early in life. Common appliances used are tongue cribs for thumb sucking, lip bumpers for lip biting and vestibular screen for mouth breathing habits.

Preventing Malocclusion

An orthodontist corrects malocclusion, but he also prevents it from developing. It is called Interceptive orthodontics. It is usually given to children. Different appliances and serial extraction come under this treatment modality. Removable appliances like Hawley’s appliance is used. In serial extraction, milk teeth and some adult teeth are removed from the mouth to create space for the adult teeth and prevent malalignment of teeth.

Palatal Expanders

Have you ever heard people talking about reduced jaw bone growth? In some cases, the upper jaw does not grow to the adult size and remains constricted, and this creates many problems like abnormal chewing and crossbite. Palatal expanders are given in such patients, and it works on the sutures between the two jawbones and helps them grow.


Orthodontists can give a pleasant and esthetic smile. He can align your teeth in functionally correct positions to increase chewing efficiency. Consult an orthodontist at the right time and the right stage.