What is the Role of a Personal Injury Attorney in a Dog Bite Claim?

When a dog bites you in an attack, it is possible to suffer severe and even life-changing injuries. Suppose the injuries were serious enough to require emergency attention. In that case, you will need medical treatment that can be expensive, and it is likely that your recovery time will take months or years before you’re back to normal.

If you have been in a dog bite incident, it is important to know what your next steps are. First, you should seek medical attention to assess any injuries that may be present. Second, if you believe the incident was due to the negligence of an individual or company, speak with any Philadelphia, PA personal injury attorneys who can help guide you through the legal process. A personal injury lawyer is a legal advocate for the people who have been harmed. They know the law and can help their clients receive compensation for any injuries they may have sustained because of an animal attack.

What Compensations are a Dog Bite Victim Entitled To?

  1. Coverage of medical expenses

The medical expense of an injury from a dog bite can be costly, but the victim is entitled to compensation for these expenses. There are two ways that the victim can be compensated for their medical costs, either out-of-pocket or through a third-party claim. The first method is to pay for medical care out-of-pocket and then seek reimbursement in court; however, this usually leads to lower settlements.

  1. Lost income

In the event of a dog bite, you should understand what your rights are. In most cases, you can file a claim against the owner of the dog and the liable party for any physical injuries that have been sustained. If your injury is serious enough to lose work time, then you may also be able to file a claim for lost income.

  1. Pain and suffering

When a dog bites a victim, it can lead to lifelong physical and emotional scars. In some cases, the victim may not only have to endure the specific injuries that were caused by the bite but also more generalized issues like anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. This is why many victims choose to file a lawsuit for compensation for pain and suffering. 

  1. Possible punitive damages against the dog owner

The question of whether the dog’s owner should be liable for punitive damages for each time a dog bites someone is hotly debated. Punitive damages are monetary penalties awarded to the plaintiff, in addition to compensatory damages intended to compensate the plaintiff for their injuries and losses that are designed to punish and deter future misconduct by others.