What Will be the Right Steps in the Reduction Of Energy Consumption?

Energy represents a major source of financial expenditure for any business. Reducing energy consumption is a central subject for many of them, especially since it is part of a global approach to energy transition, encouraged at the national level. It generally begins with the implementation of an energy audit. For Reducing Energy Consumption this is important?

But beyond the solutions that exist to save energy, business leaders are looking for good advice to reduce energy bills, levers that they can put in place in the daily life of their employees, offices or their production station.

Decrease the Expenditure on the Various Energy Items

In business, there are many sources of energy consumption. Even so, it can be difficult to identify them. However, to achieve energy savings, the company must draw up a precise assessment of the distribution of its energy bill between its various items (heating, lighting system, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.). So, what are the energy expenditure items to analyze to reduce energy consumption?


The heating system represents on average 50% of the energy bill of a professional building. To reduce its impact on your energy costs, first make sure you identify areas that have little or no need for heating. Areas such as reserves or halls of buildings do not need to be heated.

Also study the diffusion of heat within the rooms. This requires not placing anything in front of the radiators, neither object nor furniture. Finally, take advantage of the times when the heating is off to ventilate the rooms, so as not to let the heat escape to the outside.

The Air Conditioning

In summer, air conditioning consumes 20% of the energy costs of a professional room. However, it is possible to optimize the use of air conditioning without neglecting the comfort of employees.

In order not to create too great a difference in temperature between the inside and the outside, it is advisable not to exceed a difference of 4 ° C. It is estimated that below 26 ° C inside the room, it is better to use a simple fan, much less energy consuming than air conditioning. Finally, remember to air out during the cooler hours of the day to lower the indoor temperature.


Lighting represents an important source of energy consumption, mobilized throughout the year. The choice of efficient lighting, but also energy efficient, is essential. To reduce energy expenditure from lighting, led bulbs are preferred. Also favor natural light when possible, by placing desks near windows. Finally, remember to turn off the light in unoccupied rooms.

Electrical and Electronic Equipment

The main problem with electronic equipment in terms of reducing energy consumption is standby mode. These give the feeling of saving energy, while they mobilize constant energy expenditure, even when the device is not in use. These devices should therefore be switched off when not in use so as not to consume electricity unnecessarily.

As much as possible, and if you renew your equipment (computers, photocopiers, printers, etc.), choose low consumption devices. To easily switch off devices at night and thus reduce your electricity consumption, it is advisable to install multiple sockets with switches. This will allow you to turn off multiple devices at the same time when you no longer need them.