Determining Fault in a Car Accident

When things settle after a car accident, you may not fully know what took place. If you experience serious injuries, you have no time to investigate your accident. But, it is important to determine fault in this type of accident to establish liability for potential civil litigation. Thankfully personal injury lawyers Grand Junction can investigate on your behalf, letting you concentrate on your health and recovery. 

Establishing Evidence from Car Accidents

After an accident, it is not a good idea to speak to the other driver, especially when there is a possibility of taking civil action. You should not apologize for what happened because this is like accepting blame, which can hurt your chances of getting compensation. 

When the police arrive at the scene, you can give a statement to them. A police report can serve as the official documentation of the accident. If some people witnessed the accidents, they may be able to offer useful statements that your lawyer can use to prove fault. Also, photos or videos of the accident scene could capture details of the accident and the behavior of the other driver. 

Dealing with Aggressive Insurance Reps

Once insurance companies are informed about their client’s accident, they will send representatives to protect their best interests. It is not a good idea to speak with them, although you can give basic details. The more you talk to them, the more you may be able to say something that they will use against you later. They may try to blame you for the accident or pressure you to sign and accept a settlement offer. By accepting such an offer, you will lose your right to pursue civil action later when your medical condition worsens or your expenses escalate beyond what you thought. 

Never handle negotiations on your own because this puts your financial and medical needs at risk. Instead, let the attorney negotiate for a fair settlement for you. They will aggressively hold insurance companies accountable for a fair settlement. And if your lawyer fails to secure the best outcome possible out of court, they are willing to go to trial. 

Although every case is different, your attorney can help you determine whether you have a case to pursue compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Also, they know that the statute of limitations for civil litigation demands your quick action before you miss your opportunity for compensation.